
Space Hoppers: Singko Academy Card Game

Created by Space Hoppers

Assemble your Crew in this action-packed space adventure. A 3-6 player strategy card game that’s family-friendly and filled with twists and turns.

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You’ve inspired us, and so have these games!
over 1 year ago – Mon, May 08, 2023 at 04:44:45 AM

As our Space Hoppers Kickstarter campaign continues to rocket toward success, we'd like to share some behind-the-scenes tidbits about how we created the game.

We're massive fans of RPGs like Dungeons and Dragons and deck builders like MTG. We love the immersive story worlds but can’t always find the time or the players. That got us thinking; let’s try making a game with a strong story vibe but also accessible for casual players and family game nights. And so, Space Hoppers was born! We wanted to create a game where everything you need to know is right there on the cards, ready to learn and play in minutes.

Then we started thinking about the games we love to play and what aspects of these games we wanted to harness. So here are a few games that inspired us as we started working on Space Hoppers: Signko Academy.

If you like these games, Space Hoppers: Singko Academy is for you!

A few of our favorite games
A few of our favorite games

Loonacy! - A rapid-fire matching game; luck of the draw and speed of your hands wins this one. It’s a ton of fun. We met the game creators at BookCon in NYC, played some rounds with them, and were hooked.

Minecraft Uno - Yep, that’s right, one of the classics of classic card games, Uno, and not being purists, we’re particularly fond of the mashup with one of our favorite video games, Minecraft. It’s self-explanatory; it’s awesome.

Roblox - Roblox is another family favorite. Yes, it’s a video game, not a card game. But we plan to build the entire Singko Academy in Roblox very soon. How cool will it be to jump into a Space Hoppers RPG with your favorite avatar and meet us in Roblox next year?!

Thanks for coming along on this adventure! Forward this to a friend and visit our Kickstarter to help support the campaign. We hope you love the game as much as we do!

Zach & Zella

Designing Singko Academy - The School
over 1 year ago – Fri, May 05, 2023 at 05:05:21 AM

Thank you for backing Space Hoppers: Signko Academy! And if you haven’t had a chance to support us, there is no better time than the present!

We’re psyched that you joined us on this sci-fi adventure! Here’s a peek behind-the-scenes look at the creative process of how we designed the famed intergalactic institution – Singko Academy.

First, we had to get our ideas on the page to share with our fantastic art team at Blu Studio. We already had the concept for a collection of interconnected, mini-moon-size asteroids with cities built into them. To visualize the Singko Educational Archipelago, home to Singko Academy, we scoured for images and concept art of cities and space stations built into massive asteroids and small moons. These mood boards were the launchpad for creative conversations with the artists.

Singko Academy Reference Images
Reference Board

The artists created a range of interpretations, and we loved them ALL. Narrowing them down was hard, but we identified elements from the sketches that we thought would come together well within the Space Hoppers story.

Blu Studio Prelim Art With Zach and Zella's Notes

They took in all of our feedback and pulled it all together into what will be the final lockup artwork for this frame. After a few more minor additions, it was then off to color.

The hero sketch

Color is always exciting and a challenge to narrow down. It isn’t just aesthetics; we must consider how the colors of elements like the planet will affect other pieces of art and all the places where the planet and the solar bridges will appear in other parts of the game and the world.

First Pass On Colors
First Pass On Colors

And then came the moment we were all waiting for, the email with the final color for this concept art! We love it.  If you’d like to help, send this email to someone who might be interested in backing our Kickstarter and being one of the first to receive the Space Hoppers: Signko Academy card game.  Our campaign ends on May 23rd!

Final Color - Singko Academy
Final Color - Singko Academy


The Space Hoppers Team